Let a new roof in Oshkosh WI eliminate leaks and other roofing concerns

by | Apr 25, 2016 | Roofing

A leaking roof can cause much more damage than a property owner may realize, and that leak doesn’t need to be very large to cause serious problems. For example, a small trickle of water around roofing details can cause the decking to rot. Weakened decking will sag, and this could force the damage to spread. The result of this kind of damage is often the need for a new roof in Oshkosh WI and this is usually the whole roof, decking and all.

One way to reduce the need for roof replacement is thorough inspections on a regular basis. The home or property owner may be able to handle part of this task, but experts should be called in to ensure that possible problems are quickly dealt with. This is one reason that many roofing contractors have excellent deals on roof inspections. Things that should be checked include the quality of the roof covering and signs of interior damage from external moisture.

The most common roof covering is asphalt. Residential roofing tends to use the three-tab shingle while commercial roofing uses the BUR (built-up roofing) method. The latter is multiple layers of hot asphalt placed over a membrane such as roofing felt. The main problems with most asphalt products are how thin they tend to be and how quickly they dry out. BUR usually requires frequent repairs and new coatings while budget shingles have a tendency to suffer storm damage.

Alternatives for a New Roof in Oshkosh WI include steel, tile, fiber-cement and several variants on the asphalt shingle. For instance, the laminated shingle is a much thicker version of the asphalt shingle and can provide a roof that lasts for decades. Materials such as fiber-cement tiles can create a beautiful roof that provides excellent coverage with a warranty of thirty years, or more and steel tends to survive even longer.

Stamped steel products for a residential roof come in a variety of styles and colors. Steel roofing is designed to mimic almost every other roofing option and can even be placed over some existing roofs. Metal roofing uses one of two coating methods, zinc galvanizing or fluoropolymer-based paint. The galvanized version should prevent most weather based issues, but the painted version may be prettier. Visit us website to learn more about roof installation or replacement.

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